The instance of mod_webpresence that runs for "localhost" is available to users of localhost in the JID webpresence.localhost. With this setup, mod_webpresence will run for "localhost", and will run for "": Mod_webpresence is heavily tied inside ejabberd, so this module is restricted to provide service only to users of the vhost where it runs.

He suggests that you open the service for information but disable registration from external users. Is this because the default access rule, which I'm running, is "local" and external users cannot use (and maybe not even access for some information) this service? He told me that it is grey because the bot cannot grab information from the service. I had a little chat with the maintainer of that list. ( is the server I'm maintaining) is shown grey in this list: If this programs doesn't suit your needs, there are other programs and services to publish Jabber presence in the web: Presentation on the ejabberd mailing list: web-presence module for ejabberd.User Mood and User tune from PEP output: waiting for PEP to be integrated in ejabberd.
TO DO: If not all themes are included in the released version, there will be a zip file with all the themes. Go to Screenshots of Web Presence Additional Icon Themes You can unregister by disabling the options, and you receive a message.Public page that shows all the existing icon themes.You can publish the image or status text of a specific resource.You can define the default icon theme you want to use, or specify a specific one in the URL.Many different icon themes, by different authors and sources.Publish and image that reflects your current presence.Publish the status text of your presence.Publish an XML that lists resources and their priority, presence, and status text.Publish the avatar that you stored in your vCard.Request a new Random ID if you don't want to use the old one.Get a reminder of your Random ID if you forget it.Specify your account using your real Jabber ID or a Random ID.After registration, you receive a message with instructions and example URLs.Easy registration and unregistration with any powerful Jabber client.Published under the GPL license: you can inspect the source code, modify and compile.Other solutions based on bots are limited to only a few hundreds or thousands of registered users. Highly scalable: each registered user is a register in the table.Support for virtual hosts and clustering.

No need to install an additional web server, database, libraries, or programs: it uses ejabberd's embedded http service and Erlang's internal database.This module is the successor of Igor Goryachev's mod_presence.